"We were informed by a resident that a strange man (caucasian*, with a grey jacket/sweat shirt, baseball cap and carrying an umbrella) was observed hanging around H. Road late last week. He was also observed around the midnight hours. The police were notified.
We have also learned that a couple of residents living around P. Road have had their GPS units stolen from their cars. We do not know if the same individual is responsible for these thefts.
If you have any information that might be of importance, please contact the township authorities.
Thank you,
Board of Directors"
Så nu ska man inte bara hålla koll på
armviftande galningar.
Nu ska man hålla utkik efter gråklädda
skurkar också.
Gråklädda skurkar med keps och paraply.
Jag säger då det.
Det är rafflande att bo i förorten.
* Var tvungen att Googla ordet caucasian:
"In the United States, it is currently used primarily as a distinction
loosely based on skin color for a group commonly referred to as
Whites, as defined by the American government and Census Bureau."